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The New York Times was accused of spreading disinformation in early 2021 after its story about a Capitol police officer being beaten to death with fire extinguisher story turned out to be untrue, after spreading rapidly through the press following the Jan. NYT Accused of Disinformation About a Capitol Officer's Death The New York Times fact check section has a Lean Left bias, according to a July 2021 Small Group Editorial Review by AllSides editors on the left, center, and right.

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New York Times Fact Check Also Shares Lean Left Bias: July 2021 Editorial Review New York Times Editors' Comments on Bias.Third-Party Studies of New York Times Bias.NYT Accused of Disinformation About a Capitol Officer's Death.New York Times Fact Check Also Shares Lean Left Bias: July 2021 Editorial Review.AllSides provides a separate media bias rating for The New York Times Opinion page. Important Note: This page refers to the media bias rating for the New York Times' news content only. The New York Times News bias is Lean Left. The New York Times's media bias rating is featured on the AllSides Media Bias Chart™.

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